Laptop Loan (Interest Free)
Loan for laptop at 0% interest.
Public Trust Registry No. E-15892
સાર્વજનિક ટ્રસ્ટ રજી. નં. ઇ-15892
The creator of Earth (UNIVERSE) is Lord Brahma. But after that when there were difference among the opinions of different people.
They made small unions. which were created by smaller Brahma. Which are known as Society or SAMAJ. One of such union is known as Audichya Gadhia Brahma Samaj. Which is also known as AGBS in short.
Loan for laptop at 0% interest.
Samuh Yagnopavat is a regular feature of the AGBS.
Medical Check ups camps and assistance.
They do visit the senior members on their birthday and greet them personally.
Above this we have hosted AGBS MAHA SAMMELAN in Year the year 2009 on January 17/18. In this Event, we had participation of around 500 members from all over Gujarat.
During shravani parva, generally outstanding achievers of Ghatak are honoured.
Two Major Events are Celebrated Regularly. First One is Shravani Parva . Second is Nutan Varsha Sneh Milan ( Hindu New Year ).
© 2018-2019, Audichya Gadhiya Brahm Samaj | All Rights Reserved.